Tuesday, February 28, 2012

If The Shoe Fits...............

I was prophesied over last Tuesday, by someone that wasn't afraid to lay the truth out on me, and let the chips fall where they may. She hit me right between the eyes when she said, "What kind of witness are you laying up here in this hospital bed, you need to be healed and get busy in ministry". WOW!! OK.

Then she said on a scale of 1 - 10 I was .5. She told me I was a powerful man of God, but was not even a one yet. WOW!!! Ok.

Did I get mad? Cry? Whine? Throw her out? NO!!! I started praying about what she said. Most pastors, ministers would have dismissed her as a fruit cake, but I listened.

I told you guys last week, that Humility Brings Honor Brings Health!!! You're not going to be healed (personally, family wise, in the church or nation), if you are not honoring God, and the best way to do that is humble yourself and come "clean".

I did that Sunday, and it hurt. I told everyone about the sin that set me on the shelf for years. When I finished there was a release in my spirit, as well as many, many others. I have had numerous calls saying, that they went home and prayed and thought about what God's Word said, and found humility & forgiveness, all but one, who contacted me and said thanks for the "spiritual stoning".

Sunday was a "watershed" in my walk and ministry with the Lord Jesus. If I have to compromise my morals, values and convictions just to get to preach, I'll go back on the shelf. God is not honored by sin, and our tolerating it in His house. Call it out, deal with it and be healed, if not physically, at least spiritually.

Humility Brings Honor Brings Healing!!! ~ Cochise Chops

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