Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Morning July 17th, 2011

Jesus Cleanses The Temple!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


You ever feel guilty for not feeling guilty.............this is just another emotion of the saint. Remember GRACE!!!! His grace did not stop (in our lives) after we got saved, it continues on. Live in His grace, His unmerited love for us.

Trying to be good, or just living in the goodness of God?

Jesus said he came for the sinners, not the upright, when questioned by the Pharisees as to whom He was dining with. That tells me that a person, saved by His grace, must see themselves lost, before they can ever be saved. Salvation is not a conscience effort made by man, but a sinner drawn to Jesus by God's grace.

Jehovah Rapha!!!! Come and Heal These Today, in Jesus' Name!!!!

The greatest travisity in our Christian lives is, that we think God is sitting in a grandstand of others and cheers when we do something good. My friends He doesn't want to be our cheer leader, He wants to be our everything, coach, partner, encourager and especially the One who carries us in the troubled times. Don't leave Him on the sidelines, invite Him into your game.

Let go of the things that are temporary, and grab the eternal.


He Hasn't Done Nothing To Be Imprisoned!!! Let Him Out!!! Let Him Loose!!!

Jesus said he came for the sinners, not the upright, when questioned by the Pharisees as to whom He was dining with. That tells me that a person, saved by His grace, must see themselves lost, before they can ever be saved. Salvation is not a conscience effort made by man, but a sinner drawn to Jesus by God's grace.

If you want some bread from time to time, LIKE this page under this post:¬if_t=feed_comment#!/pages/Radical-Community-Of-Faith-NSB-FL/194734843909372

Big Love Cochise

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Are You Saved?

Imagine standing in front of a huge dam that is getting ready to burst open, and billions gallons of water is getting ready to hit you right in the face!!! The force would shove you to your death!!!

But now imagine right beofre those tons of water got ready to hit you, a big sink hole opened up, right at your feet, and it took all the water away from you, it absorbed the force, It swallowed up your sure death. That's what Jesus did for you. He took the full force of the millions of sins you have committed in your life, on the cross at Calvary.

Oh what a Savior, Oh Hallelajah!!!

Part II Of Why We Aren't Keeping The Great Commission

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Enter Into The Holy Of Holies

To The Point:

The problems we face today are there because the people who work
for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cut & Paste This If You Want To Hear A Great Sermon¬es_id=14264&nameset=Guest413

Pastor Darrin Miller Benton, KY

Monday, July 4, 2011

Why Can't We Learn From History?

We have replaced God with Government. Less than a hundred years ago, Americans were still putting their faith in God to bless this country, then the Depression came (does that remind you of the OT famines, were God allowed situations in order to discipline the people and to get their attention), and we turned to who for help, the government and look where we are now. Repent America!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Radical Revival!!!

Let Judgement begin where?..........................In the house of the Lord!!! I Peter 4:17!!!

Repent and get Revived!!! Wake up Churches!!! And Pray!!! II Chronicles 7:14!!!