Names Cochise, I'm 55. Don't like political correctness, that's why I started my own magazine, "Cochise CHOPS Magazine", a free publication here in Daytona. Mailed nationwide though subscriptions.
I ride a 80 CI Rigid Shovel that I put together from a wrecked '80 80 in '05, Jockey, Suicide. I also have a Rigid Evo that we built in 2000. I've owned a '89 Bagger since '94, and it's in the stages of becoming a R.A.T., and as I type this, my partner is bolting a sidecar to it, so I can deliver the mags in it, and ride my 7 year old daughter.
I'm married to a beautiful woman, her name is Bianca, we get along occasionally and I'm in love with her.
The older I get, the less people I like. My whole life, because of my very poverty stricken up bringing (laughed at by others for being poor), I've tried to make people like me, I wanted everyone to like me, but not anymore, FTW!!!!
I believe in Club Life, but brotherhood is dead. Men roll over quicker than a Jack Russell Terrior chasing a hot dog, on their own "BROS". I can count on one hand how many Brothers I have, and I like it that way.
I'm a leader, never a follower. (Haven't met to many that I would ever consider chasing after). This pisses people off.
I am a peacemaker, don't like to fight, but will if pushed. If you are bigger than me or gang up on me, I will shoot you. Maybe not right then, but I will find you and when you least expect it, I'll get you. I literally HATE bullies!!!
I am a private person, don't like people coming to my house unless I know them very, very well, because 8 out of 10 fuck sticks that visit me are always picking up my stuff or asking questions that I don't want to answer. If I want you to know something, I'll tell don't ask me any questions about my life, past or present.
And lastly, I try hard to get along with people, but I don't kiss anyone's ass. I ride hard and I ride fast, and I let the chips fall where they may. You either like me or you don't, most don't at first. A few don't because I won't play their childish games of "look who I am", so they cry like the infants they are and play kid games with me, like flagging and removing my Craig's List Postings....HaHaHa. Fucking Idiots!!!
P.S. I am a spirtual man, and I use to want to save the world from Hell, now the whole world can go. Fuck it!!!
THAT.... is why I always check your site...
Fuckin'ey....right on.
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