Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Shepherd or Pied Piper

Most pastors and preachers in today's society want to be popular they want to be well respected; they want their congregation and the people who listen to them to think very highly of them to call them good teacher or father or pastor so and so.

If a pastor has really been called by Jesus he has one purpose. And that purpose is to put people's hands in the hands of Jesus. His purpose is to say; "I am not the one who teaches you, it is the Holy Spirit of the LIVING GOD who teaches you."

What that pastor is doing is getting His congregation, his people not to follow him but to follow Jesus as he is following Christ, if in fact he is following Jesus.

The problem is many pastors are getting people to follow them. And people will say; "I have been following this man for ten years, he's such a good pastor. I've been following so and so and reading their books and listening to their sermons and getting their DVDs for the last 5 years." This is a problem.

Pastors need to be getting people to follow Jesus, not them. Again, the job of a pastor is to take people's hands and put their hands in the hands of Christ so they are then led by Jesus, and not by that pastor.

If a shepherd is doing the correct thing, he will lead you to Jesus, he will lead you to your knees and he leads you to start your relationship with the Lord Jess Christ.

So get on your knees, listen to HIM, don't listen to ANY pastor unless they are telling you to listen to Jesus.

May the grace of our Lord be with you. ~ Cochise

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