Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Evangelism, Church Planting & Growth

Never asked anyone for a penny in 28 years of ministry, but got the ok from the Father Monday night, to ask for 2 things as we continue on in our outreach ministry. 1st, to ask for prayer covering (faith). 2nd, to ask folks to partner with us financially (works) as we endeavor to spread out and start traveling to share the Gospel across America. James 2:17

We have a church in KY right now that wants and needs us. We will continue here in Florida, but give those folks in KY a month or two of our time, to help them.

Pray about planting a seed in our ministry? I can't promise you a million dollars in return, but I promise you hundreds will hear about how to be saved, and that many will be saved. ~ Cochise

P.S. For more info, please reply, as they are private.

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