Thursday, February 27, 2014

Acts 10

A veteran pastor served for years in a small town in northern Montana. One day the Lord called him home to heaven, and it appeared his earthly sojourn was complete. As it turned out, however, he had been brought to glory a little earlier than the heavenly schedule had designed. After making the appropriate apologies, the Lord informed the pastor he would have to return to that dreary small town and continue to serve until the actual time of his home going arrived.

Upon this announcement, an argument ensued, with the pastor actually saying, “I won’t go!” and the Lord reminding him, “You must!” Finally the pastor said, “Well, Lord, I’ll go back to northern Montana if you’ll go with me.” After the Lord pondered the offer for several minutes he finally replied, “Well, I’ll go with you as far as Billings.”

Silly nonsense, of course, but descriptive of Peter’s early mood when that odious sheet came down. By the time the messengers arrived, he had dealt with his attitude and was quite motivated to go and accomplish whatever God wished of him. Furthermore, God went with him all the way to Caesarea and stayed with him every moment.

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