Monday, March 14, 2011

From An E-mail I Sent Out

Can a person really be saved, and not be a disciple?

Just something to think about as we read the Scriptures.


Your postings ask the same question I ask myself every day. We live in a fallen world and the gate gets narrower each day. I know I am supposed to let my light shine and be a missionary in the world, but sometimes I feel drawn in and feel more like 'them', than a woman on fire for our Lord.



I believe the narrow Way goes right up the middle of the broad way, in the opposite direction, and those traveling the broad way to destruction are always bumping into us, knocking us around, and even at times picking us up and carrying us backward.

I truly believe (and am so burdened) that the church as we know it, is not saved and is not carrying out the purpose of salvation, which is to let our light shine and reach out to the hurting and lost people of the world.

Many Christians need a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit, or filled for the first time, as on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). We have no power because we don't ask for it. And many don't have that power because they have been deceived to think they are saved, when in reality they are only pretending. He said; to be my disciple, "Take Up Your Cross Daily", not join the church and attend occasionaly. Powerless, why? That is where each of us must examine ourselves, and find the truth and seek what we need to change our towns and beyond.

I'm scared many who profess Christ have never put their faith in HIm, and are false witnesses, and are doing more harm than good. Of course I'm not speaking of you or anyone in particular, but just referring to what the Spirit has allowed me to see.

Could it be true that the church is doing more harm than good?

I pray for you that you know for sure, and that you will be that woman on fire for our Lord Jesus. And as I cross your mind, whisper a prayer for me to be re-established in the ministry, and a true man of God.

God Bless,

P.S. Greater is He that is in us, than he that's in the world, so let's give that recognition and power back to Him, and start winning, instead of being on the defense. Praise Jesus!

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